4 Signs of How Others Absorb Your Life Energy

Control your brain waves to reign your life

Spiritual Alchemist
3 min readJun 12, 2024


Photo by Bret Kavanaugh on Unsplash

Where do you think that your subconscious is located? In your body? Or is it in your brain? The subconscious is not in a corner of your brain. The subconscious is hidden in your entire body and the egg-shaped energy field around it.

The subconscious is programmed through emotions. You do not have to sleep or lose consciousness to be hypnotized or to program your subconscious. Because this has nothing to do with your brain.

Only 3 things are required.

  1. Focus
  2. intense emotion, and
  3. repetitive behavior or words. That’s it?

For this programming, the wavelength of the frequency emitted by the photons in your body must be kept in the alpha wavelength, around 7–8 Hz per second.

The most commonly studied waveforms in our brain include…

  1. Delta (±0 to 4 Hz) (deep sleep)
  2. Theta (4‐8 Hz) (REM sleep)
  3. Alpha (8‐13 Hz) (learning)
  4. Beta (13‐30 Hz) (logical reasoning
  5. Gamma (30–100) high-speed calculation and profound spiritual alertness

If your egg-shaped energy field is full and satiated…

